Friday, May 18, 2012

Born Again FAQ

How come I didn't hear any bells and whistles go off when I prayed the prayer?
When you prayed the prayer for salvation, you received Jesus into your heart by faith.
Faith is not a feeling.You can't see faith, hear faith or touch faith. Faith is believing. You have to believe you receive, when you pray. Just because you didn't hear anything, you can be assured that tens of thousands of angels are rejoicing.

What does being Born Again mean?
The term born again is used because of something Jesus said. He said, To enter the kingdom of heaven, you must be born of water and of the spirit. When we are born into this world, we are naturally born of waterbecause you're inside your mother's womb. You are born of the spirit when you receive Jesus. Your spirit which is inside of you, since you were born, becomes quickened or woke up, so to speak.

What does repenting of your sins mean?
If you truly want to repent of your sins, that means that you are going to stop doing things that you know are wrong. God created all of us with the ability of knowing the difference between right and wrong. Say for instance if a person steals, well, they know it's wrong, so repenting of your sins would be that they would stop stealing. They turn away from doing what they know is wrong. Like if you're walking in one direction and you suddenly turn around, and start walking in the other direction. You decide to go a different direction.

What sins will God forgive?
Forgiveness of sins is something different. You have to ask your Heavenly Father to forgive your sins. Once you say, God forgive me for my past sins, guess what, He takes your past sins and tosses them into the deepest part of the deep blue sea never to be remembered again. You become clean like a new born baby. You start on a new clean slate. See an illustration on forgiveness
When you go to bed every night, before you go to sleep you should say, Father forgive me for my sins today, because you have no idea which sins you committed that day even if you feel you didn't commit any. And if you do something, and then later realize it was probably a sin, then just say, Father, forgive me for doing that, I'll try not to do it again. It's impossible for us to live sin-free lives. We can only do the best we can. But His forgiveness is always there. He loves us so very much, and He is happy to forgive us.

Why do I have continual conflicts in my mind?
If you prayed a prayer for forgiveness, and you are still having conflicts in your mind about your past, then it's possible you haven't forgiven yourself. So forgive yourself so you can go on with God. Toss those past sins into the deepest part of the sea just like God does, and stop reminding yourself of them. If a past sin or thought pops into your mind tell yourself, I've already been forgiven for that.
If there are people that have done you wrong in the past, you need to forgive them too, and release them so God can deal with them. That takes it all out of your hands. You just release them to God.

What does it mean when Jesus' comes into my heart?
When you ask Jesus to come into your heart, you are inviting Him to take control your life because your life is very possibly out of control.

What is God's plan for my life?
God does have a plan for your life. He has drawn you to Himself by His Holy Spirit and He will never leave you or forsake you. What does forsake mean? It means, He'll never forget about you.
The first thing you need to do is tell someone, anyone, possibly someone close to you that you asked Jesus to come into your heart. Then find yourself a bible and start reading and you don't have to start in the Old Testament like I did. Check out a church nearby and go. But the main thing you should have right now is peace and comfort in knowing that you have given Jesus control of your life.
Read my Dream About Jesus


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